Monday, December 22, 2014

My Whiplash Year

I have been seeing all of these "My Year" things on Facebook. I thought about doing them but couldn't. Why? Because it's tagged with "It's been a great year."

I honestly can't say that. My year has been...a year. More has happened this year than I think has happened in my entire life put together. Here are the events that have made up this year.

1.      I started a new job
2.      Started dating the Love of my Life
3.      I closed my business
4.      My mom had an accident that turned into spinal surgery, then turned into almost dying several times, then turned into a Trach and stomach tube. Then turned into a miraculous recovery.
5.      During this time, I realized I could trust the Lord in anything, even potentially losing one of the most important people in my life.
6.      My dad’s cancer flared back up, then flared back down.
7.      I ran my second half-marathon, in which my boyfriend (now fiancĂ©e) surprised me at the finish line
8.      I quit running for good
9.      My dear friends (and future in-laws) moved away
10.  We celebrated my parents 40th wedding anniversary (something we didn’t think we would get)
11.  I completed a Whole 30 and changed the way I ate completely
12.  I got engaged to the love of my life
13.  We celebrated my cousin’s wedding
14.  I started weight lifting
15.  I started running again
16.  Then I remembered how much it sucks, and stopped.
17.  I bought a wedding dress that was smaller than the smallest size I have worn since high school
18.  I got randomly chosen to be audited by the IRS
19.  Kurt and I hosted our first Thanksgiving

I have had more laughter, joy, anguish, anxiety, and tears in this year than I have had my ENTIRE life.  Here’s to a completely boring and mundane 2015. Oh wait, I’m getting married…never mind:)